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ThermoScan® 5 Ear Thermometer

BHD 36.99

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Braun ThermoScan® 5 is gentle, easy & accurate, making it great for the whole family.

  • #1 Brand most recommended by pediatricians1
  • Clinically proven to be as accurate as rectal measurements in newborns2,3
  • Fast and gentle measurement in just a few seconds
  • Pre-warmed tip and positioning system for comfort and accuracy
1) Based on survey reporting that of surveyed pediatricians who recommend a brand of thermometers, Braun is the most recommended 2) Loveys AA, Dutko-Fioravanti I, Eberly SW, Powell, KR. Comparison of ear to rectal temperature measurements in infants and toddlers Clinical Pediatrics, Volume: 38 Issue: 8, page(s): 463-466. 1999 3) Nimah MM, Bshesh K, Callahan JD, Jacobs BR. Infrared tympanic thermometry in comparison with other temperature measurement techniques in febrile children. Pediatric Care Med. 2006;7(1):48-55. (4)As eardrum shares the same blood supply with the brain’s temperature control center, the hypothalamus.) – Netter FH, Atlas of Human Anatomy. Novartis Medical Education, East Hanover, NJ, 1997, PP 63, 95.



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